Sponsorship Program

Our sponsorship program is very special and different from any other you may know, we appreciate the fact that there is great need but also understand that resources are very scarce.

We have developed a sponsorship program where we ensure children access quality education. We seek for various people and organisations to partner with us by sponsoring at least one child. For those that are interested, we allow the donor to pick a specific child that they would like to support and develop a deep relationship. Some people choose to remain general donors but specify that their donation is towards education, this money is used to support orphans that do not have sponsors.

The Child

The hopeless child with negative attitude towards life

Child's Family

Have many dependents many of children engulfed in absolute poverty

Local Leaders

Can't support their communities and households due to incapacitation by the social, economic & political environment

Local Schools

Only teaching in the class with no distinguished effort to develop talents of children can only offer academic knowledge